ChemCALTM requires a computer connected to the Internet with
all of the following software installed:
Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later
These Web browsers are available free from:
Quicktime 3.0 or later
If Quicktime is installed on your computer you will see a rotating
molecule to the right on this page. Otherwise, Quicktime can be
downloaded free from the Apple Web Site:
Macromedia Shockwave 7.0 or later
If the Shockwave plug-in is installed, you will see 'ChemCALTM' coming
together. Otherwise download Shockwave free from:
Initial installation may take a few minutes, but is necessary to
use ChemCALTM.
Windows Users please note:
If you are logged in as a restricted user, the ChemCALTM
Session Summary page will not record your results. |